How to Get Your Picky Eater to Try Indian Food

If you're the parent of a picky eater, you probably end up serving your child the same bland foods every day, and there is no shame in that. At least that way you know your child is going to eat something and acquire the basic nutrition needed to grow. However, this approach can get boring, and you no doubt find yourself wishing your child would branch out a little. Well, many kids that refuse to try new dishes at home are a lot more willing to try new foods if they are eating at a restaurant, especially if they are allowed to bring a friend along that they admire. Read More 

Why You Need to Get More Seafood in Your Diet

A typical Australian or Western diet tends to focus on white or red meat, with a smattering of fruits and vegetables thrown in. For some reason, seafood seems to have been left out of the equation to a large degree, or even to be adjudged as an occasional "treat." Yet there are many good reasons for including at least one or two meals each week that focus on fish or shellfish. Read More 

4 Quick Tips for Your First Time Ordering a Whole Lobster

So, you fancy ordering a whole lobster for your dinner tonight, but you've never done so before. Eating a whole lobster can take some getting used to, and this often scares away first-timers. Instead of going for something simpler, just follow this quick and easy guide. 1. Visit a Good Seafood Restaurant Firstly, make sure you visit a quality restaurant, preferably one that specialises in seafood. Their lobster dishes might be more expensive, but this is one meal where you'll truly be getting what you pay for. Read More 

Choosing a Restaurant for a Graduation Dinner Function

After students have worked hard and finally graduated from their final year at school, it can be a great idea to have a graduation dinner. This gives the students a chance to have a formal time to celebrate with the family members who have supported them through their studies.  Here are some things to consider for when you book an end-of-year graduation function.  Get in early! Graduation parties are usually held in late November or December, which is a very busy time for restaurants, as many people and organisations are looking for venues for Christmas events. Read More 

Chinese Restaurants: 3 Delicious and Healthy Ingredients to Add to Your Congee to Combat Iron Deficiency

Some Australians suffer from iron deficiency. Common symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, and irregular heartbeats. Watching what you eat can help you manage symptoms related to iron deficiency. Congee is a great choice when dining at Chinese restaurants as you can pick and choose ingredients. This article will look at 3 delicious ingredients that you should try. Slices of Pork Liver Congee is quite plain by itself, so you definitely want to choose some interesting ingredients to spice up the dish that contain a lot of iron. Read More